And now we're going to put a text with some questions about it and a composition:
“The Grass is Greener on the Other Side”
I Young people today are more aware than ever of theirenvironment, but they seem to feel there are so many“green” issues that it becomes difficult to decide whatthe top priorities are. In this article, several teenagersgive their views.II Jack Dawn, a 17-year-old from Leeds, feels that themost important concern is the danger of a nucleardisaster. He is extremely worried about the danger of anuclear war and is also concerned that the wastecreated by nuclear reactors is not being disposed ofsatisfactorily. He claims that it is being buried in theground, where it takes many years to become safe. Inaddition, he warns that this waste is destroying the soilin which it is buried. He is afraid that in the future, ifpeople dig up the land for building or farming, theywill be using contaminated land, which could be veryharmful. III Ann Black, on the other hand, is worried about a moreeveryday issue – pollution in the city. The 16-year-old,who lives in London, where there is constant smog,says that the fumes from factories and thousands ofvehicles on the roads have made the air extremelydangerous to breathe. She believes that more peopleshould use public transport, walk or ride bicycles inorder to cut down on traffic and, consequently,pollution.IV The main problem for Mary Low, who lives in thecountry, is the destruction of the rain forests, whichare a major source of oxygen for people and animals.She says that by cutting down the forests, we aredestroying the atmosphere. In addition, the burning ofthese trees releases poisonous gases, which aredangerous for all living creatures. In general, she isconcerned about the exploitation of land for our ownpurposes, such as building and agriculture. She is veryupset that the natural habitat of wildlife is beingdestroyed and many animals and birds are becomingextinct.V For Michael Tobe, in his last year of secondary school,the greenhouse effect is the most important because hesays it is affecting us the most. As a result of the holein the ozone layer, climate changes are occurring allover the world, causing severe floods and droughts aswell as typhoons and hurricanes. He thinks peopleshould be more careful and efficient in their homes.He believes that everyone should recycle rubbish anduse ozone-friendly products. Michael feels that we arepaying a very high price for being so advancedtechnologically.VIThese young people are very pessimistic. They feel thatthey can do very little themselves because the problemsseem so big and out of control. They firmly believethat the whole issue of the environment has got to besolved by governments working together because thefuture of our world is at stake.A created by nuclear reactors is not being disposed ofsatisfactorily.”
Choose the most suitable answer.
What can we infer from the statement: “... the waste1. Managers of nuclear plants are irresponsibleabout nuclear waste.2. Managers of nuclear plants are not satisfied withthe disposal of nuclear waste.
B Answer the following questions in your own words.
1. What happens when nuclear waste is buried inthe ground?............................................................................
2. Why is the air polluted in London?............................................................................
3. What is happening to wildlife as a result of thedestruction of the rain forests?............................................................................
C Rewrite the following sentence without changing its
Everyone should recycle rubbish and use ozonefriendlyproducts.Rubbish ............................................................................................................................................
D products”.Explain in your own words the meaning of :
“ozonefriendly..........................................................................................................................................................E ( false).
Find evidence in the text to support youranswer.Decide if the following statements are T (true) or F.......
1. People will contaminate the land if they digit up........
2. The hole in the ozone layer has led to floodsand droughts.F same as:Find words or expressions in the text that mean the1. ideas (paragraph I) ................................
3. smoke (paragraph III) ................................
4. aims (paragraph IV) ................................
5. lack of rain (paragraph V) ................................
6. entire (paragraph VI) ................................
WritingWrite a formal letter of 80-120 words to the Minister ofthe Environment, stating your opinion about pollutionin your country. Suggest what young people could do toimprove the situation.
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