miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

An English Exam

 When we consider the subject of the enviroment, we often pay attention to the most tangible aspects: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we put on the table. Those things are very important. But to me the enviroment is also about something less tangible, though no less important. It is about the sense of community; the duty we have to each other, and the discovery that natural beauty and wealth that took millions of years to develop could be damaged in a matter of decades.
Those are values I learn as a young boy on my family’s farm in Tennessee. As a teenager, one of the books that I read was Rachel Carson’s classic Silent Spring, about pesticide abuse. As it did for millions around the word, Carson’s book helped me understand that our planet’s life is too precious to waste.
Today, the threats to our enviroment are also evident. We live in a world where climate change, deforestation, holes in the ozone layer and air pollution are causing more and more concern.
Our challenge is to find new ways back to the oldest values of community and responsibility.
To do so, we all must do our part, as nations, as families and as individuals.
Al Gore is the author of the speech above. There have been a great number of natural disasters in the last time. Katrina (2005), Gustav and Nargis (2008) etc… all these and many more in a short period of time raise the question of whether storms are getting stronger and what is causing them. According to a recent article is the scientitific journal Nature, the answer is yes: global warming seems to be responsible. Experts believe that rising ocean temperatures are one of the main causes behind that change.
Whether or not warming will create more superstorms, we know that more natural disasters such as hurricanes will strike again. The question is, are we prepared for them?
 I.- COMPREHENSION (4 points questions 1-3, 1 point each; questions 4-5, 0.5 points each) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-3 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATIONN GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS.
            1. Is the problem of the enviroment something strictly material? Why?
            2. When did Al Gore realize that the enviroment was something important?
            3. According to the people who are specialists which is the main cause of the climate change?
            4. It is not clear enough that our enviroment is at risk.
            5. Only politicians have the obligation to save the enviroment.

II.- USE OF ENGLISH (3 points; questions 6-9, 0.25 points each; questions 10-13, 0.6 points each)
            6. FIND ONE SYNONYM IN THE TEXT FOR moral obligation.
            7. FIND IN THE TEXT THE WORD WHICH HAS THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION: “a period of ten years”
            8. FIND IN THE TEXT THE ONE SYNONYM FOR adolescent
            9. FIND IN THE TEXT A WORD WITH THIS MEANING: “a specialised newspaper”
We have to find out new ways back to the old and traditional values
If I (have) the time, when I was younger, I (read) the novel that changed my life completely.
            12. GIVE A QUESTION TO THIS ANSWER: I grew up in Tennessee.
Al Gore said: “As a teenager, one of the books I read was Silent Spring.”
A)    Do you think that Spain has environmental problems?
B)     Does tourism destroy the environment? Why?

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010


And now we're going to put a text with some questions about it and a composition:
“The Grass is Greener on the Other Side”

I Young people today are more aware than ever of theirenvironment, but they seem to feel there are so many“green” issues that it becomes difficult to decide whatthe top priorities are. In this article, several teenagersgive their views.II Jack Dawn, a 17-year-old from Leeds, feels that themost important concern is the danger of a nucleardisaster. He is extremely worried about the danger of anuclear war and is also concerned that the wastecreated by nuclear reactors is not being disposed ofsatisfactorily. He claims that it is being buried in theground, where it takes many years to become safe. Inaddition, he warns that this waste is destroying the soilin which it is buried. He is afraid that in the future, ifpeople dig up the land for building or farming, theywill be using contaminated land, which could be veryharmful. III Ann Black, on the other hand, is worried about a moreeveryday issue – pollution in the city. The 16-year-old,who lives in London, where there is constant smog,says that the fumes from factories and thousands ofvehicles on the roads have made the air extremelydangerous to breathe. She believes that more peopleshould use public transport, walk or ride bicycles inorder to cut down on traffic and, consequently,pollution.IV The main problem for Mary Low, who lives in thecountry, is the destruction of the rain forests, whichare a major source of oxygen for people and animals.She says that by cutting down the forests, we aredestroying the atmosphere. In addition, the burning ofthese trees releases poisonous gases, which aredangerous for all living creatures. In general, she isconcerned about the exploitation of land for our ownpurposes, such as building and agriculture. She is veryupset that the natural habitat of wildlife is beingdestroyed and many animals and birds are becomingextinct.V For Michael Tobe, in his last year of secondary school,the greenhouse effect is the most important because hesays it is affecting us the most. As a result of the holein the ozone layer, climate changes are occurring allover the world, causing severe floods and droughts aswell as typhoons and hurricanes. He thinks peopleshould be more careful and efficient in their homes.He believes that everyone should recycle rubbish anduse ozone-friendly products. Michael feels that we arepaying a very high price for being so advancedtechnologically.VIThese young people are very pessimistic. They feel thatthey can do very little themselves because the problemsseem so big and out of control. They firmly believethat the whole issue of the environment has got to besolved by governments working together because thefuture of our world is at stake.A created by nuclear reactors is not being disposed ofsatisfactorily.”
 Choose the most suitable answer.
What can we infer from the statement: “... the waste1. Managers of nuclear plants are irresponsibleabout nuclear waste.2. Managers of nuclear plants are not satisfied withthe disposal of nuclear waste.   
B Answer the following questions in your own words.
1. What happens when nuclear waste is buried inthe ground?............................................................................
2. Why is the air polluted in London?............................................................................

3. What is happening to wildlife as a result of thedestruction of the rain forests?............................................................................
C Rewrite the following sentence without changing its
Everyone should recycle rubbish and use ozonefriendlyproducts.Rubbish ............................................................................................................................................
D products”.Explain in your own words the meaning of :
“ozonefriendly..........................................................................................................................................................E ( false).
 Find evidence in the text to support youranswer.Decide if the following statements are T (true) or F.......
1. People will contaminate the land if they digit up........
2. The hole in the ozone layer has led to floodsand droughts.F same as:Find words or expressions in the text that mean the1. ideas (paragraph I) ................................
3. smoke (paragraph III) ................................
4. aims (paragraph IV) ................................
5. lack of rain (paragraph V) ................................
6. entire (paragraph VI) ................................
WritingWrite a formal letter of 80-120 words to the Minister ofthe Environment, stating your opinion about pollutionin your country. Suggest what young people could do toimprove the situation.

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

ejercicios para recordar(some,any,a,an)

A y an significan un, una indistintamente, y se emplean con nombres contables en singular. A se pone cuando la palabra siguiente empieza por consonante; an, por vocal.

A cat (Un gato)

An ocean (Un océano)

An orange bike (Una bici naranja)

Obsérvense los siguientes ejemplos:

An hour (Una hora --> Nótese que la h es muda, por lo que hour empieza por un sonido vocálico.)

A hot dog (Un perrito caliente --> La h se pronuncia aquí.)

A university student (Un estudiante universitario --> La u de "university" no tiene un sonido vocálico, sino que más bien, consonántico. Equivaldría a decir yu en castellano.)

An unusual situation (Una situación poco corriente o inusual -->La u es una vocal aquí.)

El plural de a o an es some:

Some cats (Unos gatos)

Some oceans (Unos océanos)

Some se usa también para sustantivos incontables: some milk (leche, un poco de leche).

En negativa y en interrogativa se emplea any en vez de some:

There wasn't any milk. (No había leche o nada de leche.)

Has she sent you any photos? (¿Te ha enviado fotos, alguna foto?)

Sin embargo, en los casos siguientes empleamos some en las interrogativas: en peticiones, en ofrecimientos o cuando esperamos una respuesta afirmativa.

Would you like some coffee? (¿Quieres café, un poco de café?)

Is there some ham in the fridge, mum? I'm very hungry. (¿Hay jamón de York en la nevera, mamá? Tengo mucha hambre. -->El hablante le está pidiendo a su madre de una forma indirecta jamón, y espera que ella le diga que sí.)

El artículo definido the (el, la, los, las) se utiliza para referirnos a cosas ya introducidas en el discurso o para referirnos a algo único:

A man and a woman were walking along the path. The man was wearing a red jumper and the woman, a pink jacket. (Un hombre y una mujer paseaban por el sendero, camino. El hombre llevaba un jersey rojo y la mujer, una chaqueta rosa.)

I would like to go to the moon. (Me gustaría ir a la luna.)

Some, any y the no se mencionan cuando los sustantivos expresan una idea general:

I love bananas. (Me encantan los plátanos.)

Milk is very good for children. (La leche es muy buena para los niños.)


A.  Ponga a, an, some, any o una raya (--), si no hay que añadir nada, en los espacios en blanco.

  1.  I need __________ volunteer to sweep the sitting-room and the kitchen.

  2.  Let's buy __________ grapes for the party.

  3.  May I have __________ water, please?

  4.  There aren't __________ strawberries.

  5.  It was __________ easy exam. Everybody passed it.

  6.  There is __________ lady at the door who asks for you.

  7.  We don't have __________ coke.

  8.  She hasn't got __________ friends

  9.  "Are there __________ trees?"

       "No, there aren't __________ (trees). It's a desert place."

10.  __________ elephants never forget.

B.  Ponga a, an, some, any, the o una raya (--), si no hay que añadir nada, en los espacios en blanco.

  1.  __________ onions aren't in __________ cellar. They are in __________ kitchen.

  2.  __________ whales and __________ elephants are __________ biggest mammals on earth.

  3.  There were __________ books and __________ comics. __________ books were broken, but __________ comics weren't.

  4.  "Could you give me __________ sweets, granny?"

       "Of course, love!"

  5.  I've lost __________ crayons I bought yesterday.

  6.  She hates __________ garlic, but I love it.

  7.  We would like to spend __________ week in Barcelona.

  8.  __________ pollution is destroying __________ earth.

  9.  There isn't __________ apple juice left. Let's buy __________ (apple juice).

10.  "Did they drink __________ wine?"

       "No, they didn't."


miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

La pasiva

The Passive:A Choose the correct answer.
1. A new law on health care (passed / was passed)
by the government last month.
2. School uniforms (aren’t worn / don’t wear) at our
3. We (will meet / will be met) you at the station at
10 o’clock.
4. We believe that endangered animals
(should be protected / should protect).
5. Notices (have sent / have been sent) to all the
members of the club.
6. The offices (were cleaning / were being cleaned)
all afternoon.
7. Dave (hadn’t finished / hadn’t been finished) the
exam when the bell rang.
8. Dogs (mustn’t take / mustn’t be taken) into shops.
Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent when possible.
1. Both teams must agree on the date for the match.
2. The postman may have delivered the letters to the wrong address.
3. We didn’t see the famous painting because somebody had stolen it.
4. The doctor is examining the patient now.
5. The prisoner escaped while the police were questioning him.
Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active or passive.
Many people use the Internet, or the Net as it
encyclopedia, which
(invent), the Internet had a different purpose. Until then, people
and telephone, but these means of communication
private messages. A new way of sending private or secret information
Researchers in the American Defence Department studied the problem, and in 1969 they
1.............................. (call). Some people consider it as an2.............................. (can / use) to get information. However, when it 3..............................4.............................. (communicate) by radio5.............................. (not consider) safe ways of sending6.............................. (need).
.............................. (establish) the Internet. Since then, the Net has grown and changed. In recent years, it
............................. (use) for e-mail, shopping and chatting to people all over the world. Millions of people
e-mail, but
2. aren’t worn 6. were being cleaned
3. will meet 7. hadn’t finished
4. should be protected 8. mustn’t be taken
1. was passed 5. have been sent
2. The letters may have been delivered to the wrong address.
3. We didn’t see the famous painting because it had been stolen.
4. The patient is being examined now.
5. The prisoner escaped while he was being questioned.
1. The date for the match must be agreed on by both teams.C
1. is called 6. was needed
2. can be used 7. established
3. was invented 8. has been used
4. had communicated 9. are connected
5. weren’t considered / 10. will be replaced
were not considered

The Passive – Answers
.............................. (connect) to it. Perhaps, in the future, phones 10.............................. (replace) entirely by

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010


Present Simple 

I, we, you, they
subject + 1
he, she, it 
subject + 1 > s

I go
I don't go
Do I go ?
You go
You don't go
Do you go ?
He goes
He doesn't go
Does he go ?
She goes
She doesn't go
Does she go ?
It goes
It doesn't go
Does it go ?
We go
We don't go
Do we go ?
You go
You don't go
Do you go ?
They go
They don't go
Do they go ?

subject + 1 > "s" (he, she, it)
I go to New York - Voy a New York
He goes to New York - El va a New York
subject + don't / doesn't + 1
I don't go to New York - No voy a New York
He doesn't go to New York - El no va a New York
Do / Does + subject + 1 ?
Do I go to New York ? - ¿Voy a New York ?
Does he go to New York ? - ¿Va él a New York ?

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Algunos libros interesantes

Now,we're going to recomendated some books in english
1)The call of the wildCall of the Wild
3)moby dickMoby Dick

In our opinion ,this book are very interesting and educative for you,because they will give you a lot of vocabulary that you can use in a lots of compositions and homeworks